30 years experience cleaning
Best Quality Guarantee company
office cleaning Melbourne

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How can we help you?

End of Lease Cleaning

We provide end of lease cleaning in Melbourne to assist you in maintaining a public image that is healthy in the markets along with winning the confidence of a broker that will help you to acquire the next best spot.  

Window Cleaning

Our window cleaners consistently uphold the highest levels of professionalism and strive for excellence while truly understanding and adhering to your cleaning requirements.                  

Cleaning After Renovation

We provide a complete range of post renovation cleaning services to get your home or commercial space back in good shape. We are aware that cleaning a space after renovation is a complex process and are here to simplify it for you.   

Steam Carpet Cleaning

Our team can take care of your carpets with either regular or one off steam carpet cleaning it will extend the life and beauty of your carpets and maintain your professional image.   

Nightclubs Cleaning

Our professional night club cleaners will swoop in at a time that’s convenient for your business and perform our signature night club cleaning service that leave your bar, dancing areas and restrooms sparkling clean. 

Industrial Cleaning

Office Cleaning Solutions is one of the best Industrial cleaning companies in Melbourne that take pride in offering a comprehensive range of services to enable you to maintain a safe and clean industrial space.

Medical & Health Cleaning

We are the specialists to trust when it comes to keeping your clinic in tip top shape. With a rigorous cleaning regimen, we only use industry-approved equipment and disinfectants to ensure the complete sanitisation of all surfaces and areas in your medical centre.  

Hotels Cleaning

Our hotel cleaning services can help you make a great first impression. From the main reception area to the individual rooms, keep your guests coming back with our reliable and affordable hotel cleaning services. Crucial to maintaining and increasing your hotel’s ratings, cleanliness is not an area to scrimp on.  

Commercial Cleaning

We are one of the most trusted commercial cleaning companies in Melbourne, boasting highly trained staff and the industry’s best cleaning equipment. Our experienced contractors use environmentally friendly, tried and tested cleaning methods to deliver high-quality results.  

cleaning solutions melbourne

We're here to help! Call Us Today!

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